FA Cup Fantasy - A Bad Idea...?

There are certain things that should remain sacred in football and one of them is the FA Cup. The FA Cup is something to be marveled at, enjoyed and watched on a Sunday afternoon with your mates. The minnows battle it out with the Elite and upsets, twists and adventures can be had by all. There remains something old school about the FA Cup that The Premiership has lost. Something less capitalist, harping back to the old days of pies, peas and Bovril. Maybe it is because the FA Cup is still on the BBC that it keeps its treasured spot in the national hearts of the English football fan? One thing is for sure though, I would never dream about making a fantasy football game out of our national heritage because it would be so Americanised to do so. The big fantasy companies have stayed well clear of the FA Cup, until now that is...

CYKI (can you kick it), run by ISM Games, launched its Fantasy FA Cup game earlier in the season and from what I can see is doing reasonably well. My objection to the game is that the makers of the FA Cup game have taken fantasy football to a new low. The guys over at the Bristol HQ must have been wracking their brains coming up with new ways of making money and bingo, FA Cup fantasy came to light. What they didn't consider is that in most people's hearts the FA Cup is not about commercialisation but about the essence of what the game means to be a supporter English football. It is still the purists competition that hasn't been tarnished by Rupert Murdoch's grubby hands, it is a national institution. Something that fantasy football companies should know not to take advantage of.

I look across the pond to America and they will make fantasy games of anything ranging from the Oscars to probably how many fat kids can you squeeze into a school bus and with this FA Cup game now on the market we are unfortunately heading in that direction. What is next for the fantasy player? Can we play Fantasy Football Conference North Division football?? Don't get me wrong, innovation is a good thing but this FA Cup game smacks of a fantasy company just wanting to make a fast buck from a revered and much loved cup competition. It is cynical. Fantasy players should get a break when the FA Cup comes around; watch a game without worrying about assists, points etc. Enjoy the FA Cup don't abuse it.


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Saad said...

If anything, it makes people more interested in the third round. Where I live, the matches air at 1 in the morning, so you can't watch every match or be interested in every team. This actually sparks interest in the welfare of other teams...